
Spiderweb - A beautiful bowl shaped spiderweb

While walking at a local Pasco County, Florida waterfront park a glowing spiderweb caught my eye. The sun was behind the web causing the light to reflect off the individual strands of the web.


Dragon Statue at Tampa's Dragon Boat Races

Last Saturday Tampa hosted the final weekend of the world championship Dragon Boat Races. This is a HDR photo of the dragon statue/mascot of the races. In the background is a view of the grounds at the Tampa Convention Center. Click on the photo to see a larger view.

The artist who created this work is Dominique Martinez. His work can be found at


Train Tracks Behind Train Station, Cleveland, Tennessee

View of the tracks behind the Cleveland, Tennessee train station. I love how the HDR process generates more detail than possible in a typical photograph. Click on the photograph to follow a link to Smugmug.


Cleveland, Tennessee - HDR Photograph

HDR Photograph taken while on a trip to Cleveland, Tennessee. Click on the picture to see more photos. All my HDR pictures are processed using Photomatix software.


Carousel, New Port RIchey, Florida

This photo was taken on the evening of the New Port Richey, Florida 2010 Christmas parade. Earlier in the evening fog rolled in from the Gulf of Mexico (click on the picture to see other photos from that evening). The carousel lights brightened the gloom of the foggy night.